Thursday, June 7, 2018

SKYFCHAIN – First Business-to-Robots (B2R) Operations Based on Blockchain Technology

Foto SKYFchain.
The SKYFchainOperatingPlatform  willprovide a disruptive  solution forswitchingglobal logistics  industriesto  unmanned  systems.As  an  independent  blockchain-based  Operating  Platform open to all industry participantsit will contain critical information for each stage of lifecycle of a cargo robot. Theoperations  and  access  to  clientsof SKYF dronewill  be  used todevelop  and  testthe SKYFchain.  We  aimto setthe standards  for  thenew  industry inroboticdeliveryinareas  such  asfinancing, manufacturing, operations, maintenance,insurance, and authorizationof drones and robots in the air, on the ground and at the sea.

Unmanned  cargo  robots  in  the  air,  on  the  ground  and  at  the  sea  can  dramatically  reduce cost  of logistics worldwide and increase efficiency forindustrialusers andend customers.

While  PwChave  estimatedaddressable  market  size  for airborne dronesaloneto  be  $127  bn.1,  the current industry limitations includinglack  of  stable  credit, costly  insurance  and  near-prohibitive regulations in some countriesdo not allow it torealizeits full potential. Currently, this industry exists in form of feasibility studies carried out by large corporations or startups.

Universal operating platform for the cargo robots doesnot exist. SKYFchainOperatingPlatform(hereinafter SKYFchain  OP)is thefirst  B2R(business-to-robots)blockchain  based  operatingplatform applicable  globally inall  sectors  of  a  developing  cargo roboticsindustry.  It  will  be initially developed  and  tested  by  using  the  first  industrial  cargo airborne  robot –SKYFdrone –which will also  give  SKYFchain  instant  access  to  its  client  base  for  development  of unmanned  business  processes.Later all other unmanned  cargo  systems: in  the  air,  on  the  ground and at the seawill be connectedto SKYFchain.

The  first  feedback  from our customers  in  oil  and  gas  industry  confirms that  if  they  switch from helicopters to cargo dronesthey can supply their on-shore rigs with 5 to 10 times less cost.SKYFchainas  ablockchainwith  built-insmart  contracts  will providetrusted  source  of  data  and reasonable  control  over  unmanned  assets  for  clients,  logistics  operators,  insurance  and  leasing companies, banks,andauthorities worldwide.

It  will unveil new  profitable  business  opportunitiesfor  all  industry  participants,  transportation  systemwith  lower  risk  for  the  society,  and increasedoverall  affordability  of  goods  and  services  due  to substantial cost cutting in the global supply chain.

During ICO we will issue 1200000000 SKYFT tokens,which will be used in SKYFchain to facilitate all internal transactions.

We expect that value of SKYFT mayincrease over time because of two main drivers:1.More and more companies, clients, financial institutions will be connected to SKYFchain which will drive the growth of transactionsin SKYFchain and demand onSKYFT.2.For every SKYFchain transaction whether it’s getting loan to buy unmanned vehicle, client payment  or  something  else  SKYFchain  will  charge  some  commission. 25%of commissions will go to SKYFT holders.

We expect that value of SKYFT mayincrease over time because of two main drivers:
  1. More and more companies, clients, financial institutions will be connected to SKYFchain which will drive the growth of transactionsin SKYFchain and demand onSKYFT.
  2. For every SKYFchain transaction whether it’s getting loan to buy unmanned vehicle, client payment  or  something  else  SKYFchain  will  charge  some  commission. 25%of commissions will go to SKYFT holders.
We  understand  that your  backing  of SKYFchainmay  be associated  with  riskand  we have  takenseveral measures to mitigate those risks:
  • SKYFchain legal entity -Skyfdrones Services OU -is registered in Estonia which has one of most favorable regulationsin the worldfor blockchainrelated companies. 
  • SKYFTtokens are compliantwith SEC of USA and available for US investors.
  • Hundreds   of   SKYF   drones   will   use   SKYFchain   as   an   operating   platform.   SKYFchain developers  will  have  direct  access  to  all  SKYF  drone  clients  to  test  and  polish  SKYFchain system before inviting otherproducers of dronesto use the system.
  • SKYFchain  is  aspin-off  of  SKYFdronedevelopment project,  which  in  addition  to granting SKYFchain  access  to  clients shall  use  20%  of  revenues  from sales  of SKYF  drones  to purchase    the  SKYFT  tokens  from  the  market.  We  estimate  that  this  may  amount to$50M during the next 3-5 years after the ICO. And the SKYF drone is designed with full range of IP protection   measures   including   patens   and   know-how.   Thisshallprotect   SKYFchain uniquenessfor the time of its initial development.
  • SKYFchain has very  experienced  and  trusted team  of  engineers  and  business  leaders  with proven results–they have attracted $5M of VC money into the SKYF drone project.
SKYFchain OP business model
Logistics business processes today are designed with a human being in mind, eitheras acustomeror acontroller  etc.  
Autopilots  for cargo  robots,  AI  and the developing  field  of  IOT  hints  that  one  day,robots may work without being directlycontrolledbyan individual. 
This would bring enormous savings since currently,around 50% of costs in logistics is in labor. The   field   in   cargo   roboticswill   require   investments,   and   investmentsneed   insurance,   risk management and control. Thus,unmanned cargo robotsmay become an asset which would require new types of regulations and business processes. We are planning to develop them in the SKYFchain Operating Platform.p

The  main  purpose  of  the  SKYFchain  OPis  to  integrate  information  for  all  market  participants  and organize  the  execution  of  smart-contracts  for  transactions.Transactionsmay  vary  in  value  and frequency. The platform will collect commissions from each transaction.All transactions will be paid inUSDor other fiat currencybut executed in systemusingthe SKYFT tokens.

SKYFT token will be the internal currency of the platform. Only 1.2 bntokens will be issued at ICO in form of Ethereum ERC20 tokens.This is fixed amount for all system

We  are  going  to  test  the  platform  using  SKYF  drones,  then  we  shall educate drone  producers and integrateother drones into the system. When sea-borne and ground-borne cargo robots come into the market,  we  shall  integratethem as  wellby  organizing  workshops  with  respective  associations  of producers.

As the number ofcargo robots connected to systemgrows, so does the number of transactions.More tokens  will  be  needed  to  execute  the  smart-contracts  and the SKYFT  exchange  rate  may  increase.We expect that theclients would usually pay us in fiat and crypto currencies, and purchase our tokens from  thecrypto  exchangesin  case  of  need. We are  planning  that SKYFT  tokens  will  be  traded  at least  at four  or  five  crypto  exchanges.Thiswouldcreateliquidityneededfortheplatformoperations.

For  a tokenbuyer  at  ICO,the downside  protectionis  the  fact  thatSKYFchain  OPwill  becreated using three unique resources:
1. The exclusivity ofservicingoperationsof SKYF drone-the world’s first heavy and industrial grade cargo  drone.  It is a fundamentally  new  drone  vehiclewith  a  hybrid  gasoline-fueled  engine  that outperforms  existing  drone  solutions.  It  is  capable  of  vertical  take-off  and  landing, and has an ultra-high useful load of up to 400 kg/880lband an exceptional flying range of up to 350km/220 miles. The SKYF drone suits multiple market segments, including logistics, agriculture and firefighting to name a few.It’s already have clients which would allow SKYFchain to develop new business processes  of unmanned  logistics.Those  clients  willalso  bring  in  transactions  to  executeon  SKYFchain.SKYF drone IP and know-how fully protected

2. 20%  of the revenue fromsales  of  thefirst 1000 SKYF drones will  bereserved by  a license agreementwith  the  SKYF  drone  producers topurchaseback SKYFT  tokensfrom the market.
We expect this to take placeduring the first three to fiveyears after ICO (this revenue isequivalent to $50-60mln).Tokens bought under this condition will be put into a Community Development Fundand used to reward partners and developers of the SKYFchain

3. Mission planning, verification and operations support of SKYF drones (and later other drones) will be run through SKYFchain –a unique private blockchain:
  • SKYFchainsuper nodeholders willreceive50% of transaction fees.
  • SKYF  drones  will  be  marketed  together  with  a  franchise  of  a  drone  logistics  operator  and  a license  for the third-party  drone  producersof  drones  and  spare  parts. By  2021,  more  than 1100  SKYF dronesprojected tobe  operating  worldwide, andother  drone  manufacturers  and owners  will  also  be  able  to  join  the SKYFchain OperatingPlatformthereforeincreasing the number of transactions in the system.
The upside for atokenbuyeris our plan to open the SKYFchain OPafter the testing periodfor all other developers  and manufacturersof  air-borne,  sea-borne  and  ground-borne  cargo  robots.The SKYF dronewill become just one of the many participants of the platform.

SKYFchain OP key metrics(conservative scenario

Project roadmap
Screenshot 2018-03-05 at 21.21.31.png

SKYFT Token Sale

  • Presale ($2 M) was reached just in 5 days
  • The main sale is on from March 10
  • Only 51 300 000 SKYFT tokens is reserved for Pre-ICO
  • Minimum tokens purchase volume is 3000 SKYFT
  • The ICO-end price will be 0,065 USD per 1 SKYFT
  • SKYFT is compliant with USA’s SEC and available for US investors
  • ERC20 Token Standard


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