Thursday, June 7, 2018

CryptoYONEX: SKYFCHAIN – First Business-to-Robots (B2R) Operati...

CryptoYONEX: SKYFCHAIN – First Business-to-Robots (B2R) Operati...: The SKYFchainOperatingPlatform  willprovide a disruptive  solution forswitchingglobal logistics  industriesto  unmanned  systems.As  an  i...

SKYFCHAIN – First Business-to-Robots (B2R) Operations Based on Blockchain Technology

Foto SKYFchain.
The SKYFchainOperatingPlatform  willprovide a disruptive  solution forswitchingglobal logistics  industriesto  unmanned  systems.As  an  independent  blockchain-based  Operating  Platform open to all industry participantsit will contain critical information for each stage of lifecycle of a cargo robot. Theoperations  and  access  to  clientsof SKYF dronewill  be  used todevelop  and  testthe SKYFchain.  We  aimto setthe standards  for  thenew  industry inroboticdeliveryinareas  such  asfinancing, manufacturing, operations, maintenance,insurance, and authorizationof drones and robots in the air, on the ground and at the sea.

Unmanned  cargo  robots  in  the  air,  on  the  ground  and  at  the  sea  can  dramatically  reduce cost  of logistics worldwide and increase efficiency forindustrialusers andend customers.

While  PwChave  estimatedaddressable  market  size  for airborne dronesaloneto  be  $127  bn.1,  the current industry limitations includinglack  of  stable  credit, costly  insurance  and  near-prohibitive regulations in some countriesdo not allow it torealizeits full potential. Currently, this industry exists in form of feasibility studies carried out by large corporations or startups.

Universal operating platform for the cargo robots doesnot exist. SKYFchainOperatingPlatform(hereinafter SKYFchain  OP)is thefirst  B2R(business-to-robots)blockchain  based  operatingplatform applicable  globally inall  sectors  of  a  developing  cargo roboticsindustry.  It  will  be initially developed  and  tested  by  using  the  first  industrial  cargo airborne  robot –SKYFdrone –which will also  give  SKYFchain  instant  access  to  its  client  base  for  development  of unmanned  business  processes.Later all other unmanned  cargo  systems: in  the  air,  on  the  ground and at the seawill be connectedto SKYFchain.

The  first  feedback  from our customers  in  oil  and  gas  industry  confirms that  if  they  switch from helicopters to cargo dronesthey can supply their on-shore rigs with 5 to 10 times less cost.SKYFchainas  ablockchainwith  built-insmart  contracts  will providetrusted  source  of  data  and reasonable  control  over  unmanned  assets  for  clients,  logistics  operators,  insurance  and  leasing companies, banks,andauthorities worldwide.

It  will unveil new  profitable  business  opportunitiesfor  all  industry  participants,  transportation  systemwith  lower  risk  for  the  society,  and increasedoverall  affordability  of  goods  and  services  due  to substantial cost cutting in the global supply chain.

During ICO we will issue 1200000000 SKYFT tokens,which will be used in SKYFchain to facilitate all internal transactions.

We expect that value of SKYFT mayincrease over time because of two main drivers:1.More and more companies, clients, financial institutions will be connected to SKYFchain which will drive the growth of transactionsin SKYFchain and demand onSKYFT.2.For every SKYFchain transaction whether it’s getting loan to buy unmanned vehicle, client payment  or  something  else  SKYFchain  will  charge  some  commission. 25%of commissions will go to SKYFT holders.

We expect that value of SKYFT mayincrease over time because of two main drivers:
  1. More and more companies, clients, financial institutions will be connected to SKYFchain which will drive the growth of transactionsin SKYFchain and demand onSKYFT.
  2. For every SKYFchain transaction whether it’s getting loan to buy unmanned vehicle, client payment  or  something  else  SKYFchain  will  charge  some  commission. 25%of commissions will go to SKYFT holders.
We  understand  that your  backing  of SKYFchainmay  be associated  with  riskand  we have  takenseveral measures to mitigate those risks:
  • SKYFchain legal entity -Skyfdrones Services OU -is registered in Estonia which has one of most favorable regulationsin the worldfor blockchainrelated companies. 
  • SKYFTtokens are compliantwith SEC of USA and available for US investors.
  • Hundreds   of   SKYF   drones   will   use   SKYFchain   as   an   operating   platform.   SKYFchain developers  will  have  direct  access  to  all  SKYF  drone  clients  to  test  and  polish  SKYFchain system before inviting otherproducers of dronesto use the system.
  • SKYFchain  is  aspin-off  of  SKYFdronedevelopment project,  which  in  addition  to granting SKYFchain  access  to  clients shall  use  20%  of  revenues  from sales  of SKYF  drones  to purchase    the  SKYFT  tokens  from  the  market.  We  estimate  that  this  may  amount to$50M during the next 3-5 years after the ICO. And the SKYF drone is designed with full range of IP protection   measures   including   patens   and   know-how.   Thisshallprotect   SKYFchain uniquenessfor the time of its initial development.
  • SKYFchain has very  experienced  and  trusted team  of  engineers  and  business  leaders  with proven results–they have attracted $5M of VC money into the SKYF drone project.
SKYFchain OP business model
Logistics business processes today are designed with a human being in mind, eitheras acustomeror acontroller  etc.  
Autopilots  for cargo  robots,  AI  and the developing  field  of  IOT  hints  that  one  day,robots may work without being directlycontrolledbyan individual. 
This would bring enormous savings since currently,around 50% of costs in logistics is in labor. The   field   in   cargo   roboticswill   require   investments,   and   investmentsneed   insurance,   risk management and control. Thus,unmanned cargo robotsmay become an asset which would require new types of regulations and business processes. We are planning to develop them in the SKYFchain Operating Platform.p

The  main  purpose  of  the  SKYFchain  OPis  to  integrate  information  for  all  market  participants  and organize  the  execution  of  smart-contracts  for  transactions.Transactionsmay  vary  in  value  and frequency. The platform will collect commissions from each transaction.All transactions will be paid inUSDor other fiat currencybut executed in systemusingthe SKYFT tokens.

SKYFT token will be the internal currency of the platform. Only 1.2 bntokens will be issued at ICO in form of Ethereum ERC20 tokens.This is fixed amount for all system

We  are  going  to  test  the  platform  using  SKYF  drones,  then  we  shall educate drone  producers and integrateother drones into the system. When sea-borne and ground-borne cargo robots come into the market,  we  shall  integratethem as  wellby  organizing  workshops  with  respective  associations  of producers.

As the number ofcargo robots connected to systemgrows, so does the number of transactions.More tokens  will  be  needed  to  execute  the  smart-contracts  and the SKYFT  exchange  rate  may  increase.We expect that theclients would usually pay us in fiat and crypto currencies, and purchase our tokens from  thecrypto  exchangesin  case  of  need. We are  planning  that SKYFT  tokens  will  be  traded  at least  at four  or  five  crypto  exchanges.Thiswouldcreateliquidityneededfortheplatformoperations.

For  a tokenbuyer  at  ICO,the downside  protectionis  the  fact  thatSKYFchain  OPwill  becreated using three unique resources:
1. The exclusivity ofservicingoperationsof SKYF drone-the world’s first heavy and industrial grade cargo  drone.  It is a fundamentally  new  drone  vehiclewith  a  hybrid  gasoline-fueled  engine  that outperforms  existing  drone  solutions.  It  is  capable  of  vertical  take-off  and  landing, and has an ultra-high useful load of up to 400 kg/880lband an exceptional flying range of up to 350km/220 miles. The SKYF drone suits multiple market segments, including logistics, agriculture and firefighting to name a few.It’s already have clients which would allow SKYFchain to develop new business processes  of unmanned  logistics.Those  clients  willalso  bring  in  transactions  to  executeon  SKYFchain.SKYF drone IP and know-how fully protected

2. 20%  of the revenue fromsales  of  thefirst 1000 SKYF drones will  bereserved by  a license agreementwith  the  SKYF  drone  producers topurchaseback SKYFT  tokensfrom the market.
We expect this to take placeduring the first three to fiveyears after ICO (this revenue isequivalent to $50-60mln).Tokens bought under this condition will be put into a Community Development Fundand used to reward partners and developers of the SKYFchain

3. Mission planning, verification and operations support of SKYF drones (and later other drones) will be run through SKYFchain –a unique private blockchain:
  • SKYFchainsuper nodeholders willreceive50% of transaction fees.
  • SKYF  drones  will  be  marketed  together  with  a  franchise  of  a  drone  logistics  operator  and  a license  for the third-party  drone  producersof  drones  and  spare  parts. By  2021,  more  than 1100  SKYF dronesprojected tobe  operating  worldwide, andother  drone  manufacturers  and owners  will  also  be  able  to  join  the SKYFchain OperatingPlatformthereforeincreasing the number of transactions in the system.
The upside for atokenbuyeris our plan to open the SKYFchain OPafter the testing periodfor all other developers  and manufacturersof  air-borne,  sea-borne  and  ground-borne  cargo  robots.The SKYF dronewill become just one of the many participants of the platform.

SKYFchain OP key metrics(conservative scenario

Project roadmap
Screenshot 2018-03-05 at 21.21.31.png

SKYFT Token Sale

  • Presale ($2 M) was reached just in 5 days
  • The main sale is on from March 10
  • Only 51 300 000 SKYFT tokens is reserved for Pre-ICO
  • Minimum tokens purchase volume is 3000 SKYFT
  • The ICO-end price will be 0,065 USD per 1 SKYFT
  • SKYFT is compliant with USA’s SEC and available for US investors
  • ERC20 Token Standard


Impressio Estate

Foto Impressio Estate LTD.

Impressio Estate, Ltd, is a UK-based cryptocurrency investment platform for users worldwide to invest and grow their money, whether it is deposited all at once or incrementally. We offer unique investment plans for investors of all kinds. There are many people that do not know how to begin investing in cryptocurrency, or simply do not have the time and/or energy to do so. Impressio handles all of these needs for them, and goes above and beyond for their investors. 

In a recent Forbes article, a survey by Blockchain Capital pointed out that 30% of those aged 18-34 would rather invest $1000 into bitcoin or cryptocurrency rather than government bonds or stocks. If one takes these growing numbers in conjunction with the money that has been flowing into the cryptocurrency markets over the past few years, and bound to enter the markets in 2018 and beyond - it is clear that a pivotal shift is occurring. Every once in a while, there are paradigm shifts, and we are on the brink of one.

Impressio currently is focused on investing opportunities, but is proud to enter the lending sector in 2019. There is truly some untapped potential when it comes to the efficiency and transparency of blockchain, and Impressio hopes to maximize the opportunities in both the investment and lending sectors. This allows Impressio to be in a unique position to benefit from both investing and lending.

In early 2017, Josh Price and Evan White had come up with the idea for an ICO project for private investors. As time progressed, they realized that perhaps there was an opportunity for the public to participate in, as well. The private investors provided a way for more investors to participate in the profits by investing, as Impressio was in a position to earn money through commissions.

Impressio is confident that the cryptocurrency market will see a tremendous amount of growth in the coming years. The human race is always quick to adopt technology that makes life easier and more efficient, and blockchain shows us how money can be transferred in a new revolutionary way. This is obviously one of the main reasons behind bitcoin’s meteoric rise over the past few years, which is exponential, especially considering how it compares to stock exchanges across the world. This has created a massive amount of new wealth, not to mention drawn tremendous interest worldwide to the potential of cryptocurrencies, and the various sectors that they could aid in.

The beauty of Impressio is that it is diversified. Of course, it is an obvious choice for those who are interested in investing in cryptocurrency without the time or energy to commit to the market constantly. However, the private investors involved with the company add a new additional layer of leverage that makes the company uniquely positioned to maneuver throughout the coming years. The token sale will lead to more revenue, and of course, the lending platform will allow for a whole new source of revenue, and attract a whole new demographic of interested parties.


However, one thing has become certain: the banking sector is becoming increasingly unreliable. The truth is that, on some level, there has always been corruption in the financial sector. However, in modern times, it is safe to say that the greed that has always plagued the banking system has spiraled out of control. There are global banks that have been looking the other way when it comes to criminal activity, whether it is protecting politicians or even large international cartels. This is the same kind of willful ignorance that led to the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 that led to a United States recession, that eventually affected the global economy. More people than ever realize today that the banking system was not an innocent passerby or victim in these crises, but actually an active participant

Now, to many - this simply isn’t that important. You might say, “I understand, but at the end of the day, I trust the banks,” or, “I don’t mind if my financial advisor is greedy, as long as he is making my money or at least keeping my money safe!” However, the issue is that the banking system is constantly bailed out. In the United States, for example, the banks were literally bailed out by the government. There are countless other examples in countries across the world where governments realize that banks are necessary for survival, and extend them loans or prop them up somehow.


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Monday, June 4, 2018

Blüpass - is an Ethereum based token

Foto Blüpass.

Blüpass is an Ethereum based token that enables multiple users to access our platform designed to better connect providers, carriers, and consumers. Our platform will put control in the consumers hands to facilitate data transfers between providers and carriers for electronic health records, claims service, policy and premium verification, and much more. We believe our blockchain technology supported with smart contracts will dramatically change the insurance and delivery of healthcare.

Blüpass will revolutionize access to data, healthcare, and the claims process for everyone. We began our experience by administering benefits in a unique way. Our billing reconciliation process, HRaspirin, eliminated headaches between HR professionals and carriers. We spent six years in this space developing strong relationships. As good as our product was, it only solved for one side of a broken equation. This prompted us to create Blüpass, a total solution. Blüpass will build a blockchain fabric to connect providers, consumers, and carriers. Historically, there are three major problems in the healthcare arena. First, healthcare providers must spend a significant portion of their time and revenue on billing, health records, and treatment modalities. The provider may not have a complete picture of the consumer’s financial responsibility or health record. Second, carriers attempt to limit potential fraud through a lengthy and manual claims process. This process can take up to 6 months in the current environment to pay claims. Third, consumers are caught in this vortex of uncertainty between providers and carriers. This turbulence places unnecessary burdens on consumers in the form of expenses and treatment delays. Blüpass will build a multilayer blockchain to accommodate existing and new healthcare technologies. We will utilize our unique blockchain ledgers to deliver instant data for claims service while providing technical support to eliminate fraud for carriers. Finally, we will build a client centric mobile platform that enables consumers to control the timing and delivery of medical records and application of claims. Simply put, we believe consumers should have instant verification of their policy information and claims adjudication at the point of service. Additionally, a simplified financing system in the U.S. could result in cost savings exceeding $350 billion annually, nearly 15% of health care spending. Imagine any other experience in which you buy a service and the provider can’t tell you how much it's going to cost up front and you are expected to pay whatever bill they send you 6 months later. When you buy insurance against this uncertainty, the carrier demands to be paid on time without exception but can't offer claims service at time of service. Blüpass solves for these inconsistencies.

Executive Summary
Unique to the ICO world is a real company with real products and solutions. Blüpass is a product born from innovation as we have solved reconciliation headaches for over six years. Blüpass will change everything that is deficient in the Healthcare industry and transform it into a consumer centric, egalitarian model. For many years, carriers and providers have worked tirelessly to reduce overhead due to fraud and problematic HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations in regards to billing and electronic medical records, all at the detriment to the consumer claim process and data ownership. By utilizing Blockchain technology to build our platform, we will transform the way data flows between each simultaneously. We will solve all three client components at once. Blüpass is a consumer driven platform that solves claims processing delays, provider overhead, and carrier claims fraud. Insurance claim inaccuracies alone costs patients and providers up to $600-800 billion annually. Blüpass benefits from the existing payment structure, HRaspirin. Our payment reconciliation system allows for various groups, businesses, associations, unions, or individuals to establish traditional individual groups or group platform benefits and eliminate human resource administration of the benefits plan. We collect premiums, reconcile invoices automatically, monitor individuals for missed premiums, and consolidate multiple carrier invoices with our proprietary software. We will use Blüpass blockchain ledgers to verify premiums instantly against policy information to enable guarantees on claims. HRaspirin’s success positions Blüpass with enormous options for positive growth from day one. Blüpass will enhance HRaspirin’s client experience via instant verification of consumer premiums, policy provisions, and providers universal coding to enable settlement of specified provisions at the time of service.

Overview of Healthcare Market
Healthcare providers are often torn between the desire to serve their community and maintain the finances of a tormented business model. Administrative stresses and pressures force providers to compensate with ever rising price structures.

The United States’ multiple-payer health care system requires substantial effort and costs for administration, with billing and insurance-related (BIR) activities comprising a large but incompletely characterized proportion. A number of studies have quantified BIR costs for specific health care sectors, using micro-costing techniques. However, variation in the types of payers, providers, and BIR activities across studies complicates estimation of system-wide costs. Using a consistent and comprehensive definition of BIR (including both public and private payers, all providers, and all types of BIR activities), we synthesized and updated available micro-costing evidence in order to estimate total and added BIR costs for the U.S. healthcare system in 2012. BIR costs in the U.S. healthcare system totaled approximately $471 ($330 – $597) billion in 2012. This includes $70 ($54 – $76) billion in physician practices, $74 ($58 – $94) billion in hospitals, an estimated $94 ($47 – $141) billion in settings providing other health services and supplies, $198 ($154 – $233) billion in private insurers, and $35 ($17 – $52) billion in public insurers. Compared to simplified financing, $375 ($254 – $507) billion, or 80%, represents the added BIR costs of the current multi-payer system. ( 

Administrative costs in the United States consumed an estimated $156 billion in 2007, with projections to reach $315 billion by 2018 (Collins et al., 2009). With the time, costs, and personnel necessary to process billing and insurance-related (BIR) activities from contracting to payment validation on the provider side and the needs of payers to process claims and credential providers, significant redundancy and inefficiency arises from healthcare administration. Adding to concerns is emerging evidence of an inverse relationship between administrative complexity and quality of care (Himmelstein and Woolhandler, 2002). The presenters in this session approach estimating excess administrative costs from a variety of macro- and microeconomic levels, all with the goal of identifying the portion of expenditures spent on administration that could be reduced by increasing the efficiency of the delivery system, which highlights the need for administrative simplification and harmonization. 

Payment Collection
HRaspirin currently solves for consumer premium collection, consolidation, reconciliation, and remittance. Our unique platform retains the experience of payroll deducted premiums without the headache to businesses and human resource departments. We have already achieved milestones in policy persistency unseen before by carriers resulting in several private label negotiations on HRaspirin’s software. This existing technology will be enhanced through Blüpass’s blockchain ledgers to provide needed instant verification of universal billing codes to the policy provisions provided in policies held by consumers. Blüpass will enable carriers to transfer specific policy claim provision adjudication to Blüpass for instant pay. Providers using Blüpass will access instant billing utilizing EHR and our marketplace.

According to a MGMA–Medical Group Management Association report​, physicians will send an average of 3.3 billing statements before a patient’s outstanding balance is paid in full. The trickiest conversation a practice has is that of collecting patient balances. 

The delay may have multiple causes, such as:
  • Practices’ reluctance to talk to patients about money
  • Physicians’ refusal to enforce payment policies with longtime patients or those who are going through financial hardships Ineffective patient collection policies, possibly because they’re focused on payer Outdated billing and payment systems


The collaboration between customers, suppliers and safety net providers is cracked in the Healthcare framework.

Industry Know How
Blüpass has the best group of industry experts. They are hone pioneers with years of experience and devoted blockchain specialists with a reputation of fruitful Blockchain ventures
Self Regulation
Blockchain will decentralize the way we store data and oversee data. This will prompt a diminished part for a standout amongst the most critical controllers on the planet, the agent
Convenient Benefit Utility
Blüpass encourages PBU’s that accommodate strategy data, supplier charging and safety net provider guarantees in a split second. The safe Blockchain record is the thing that makes this all conceivable. This innovation drives Healthcare frameworks into what’s to come.
Industry Know How
Blüpass has the best group of industry experts. They are hone pioneers with years of experience and devoted blockchain specialists with a reputation of effective Blockchain ventures
Misrepresentation Prevention
Shoppers will profit by diminished premiums and impetuses. Blüpass’ savvy contracts diminish misfortune because of misrepresentation. Bearer reserve funds can be passed on to purchasers as premium diminishment because of effective cost sparing measures. Buyers will likewise have true serenity their EHR is protected from altering or data fraud.
Protection is a $7 trillion worldwide market. By turning into an early adopter of moment assert benefit, Blüpass can pick up an imperative preferred standpoint.”
Blüpass generates Token 6 billion (BLU). Consumers outside our network buy tokens (blue) to access our system. The operator – a contract for the purchase of Blues, to facilitate their right to the Blupass system. Onced is used, tokens can be reused. The operator can store your tokens for an unlimited period of time or you will re-sell the system. This worm is not much about the ICO project, is a pre-blue flag blue marker
Token Information
May 15, 2018 (12:00 AM CST)
July 15, 2018 (11:59 PM CST)
Acceptable currencies
Total token supply
6 billion
Soft cap
$3 million
Number of tokens for sale
500 million BLUs, with 150 million released for pre sale and 350 million released for official ICO
Tokens exchange rate
1 ETH per 4000 BLUs
Minimal transaction amount
Token Standard
Hard Cap
$30 million




VERASITY - A Next-Generation Video Sharing Platform

Online video is the fastest growing medium. It is set to account for 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2021 1 ​and the market is worth $312 billion 2​ . Yet the online video business model is fundamentally challenged

With the advent of online video platforms, both video creation and consumption are more accessible than ever before. This has led to a significant increase in content production and consumption as audiences shift online for digital entertainment. However, under current advertising models, companies like Facebook and Google stand out as the winners generating $191.8 billion 3 ​of net advertising revenue between them in 2017 by controlling the distribution of content and the sale of advertising.

Audiences have fast turned into a commodity. Their personal data is sold to corporations for more targeted advertising, while creators and publishers receive a percentage of revenue after the platform and intermediaries take a significant share of the advertising revenue. In recent years, content creators and online publishers have been very vocal on these issues, as the limited revenue they are generating means they are unable to re-invest into content and, therefore they struggle to maintain their channels. 

With these monopolies controlling the majority of online content, they continue to turn the screw to increase margins, change algorithms that demonetize creators and decide what content is monetizable. Any competitor who sets out to challenge this status quo and gains audience attention is quickly acquired and controlled, threatening future consumer options online.

Verasity is developing a next-generation video sharing platform. This platform will empower Creators and improve the experience of watching video online.

There are many existing challenges identified with the online video space today. Verasity’s team of media, technology and blockchain experts are building a new model where Creators and Viewers transact directly on the Blockchain, removing the need for intermediaries. The Verasity Player and online video platform is fully functional and can be seen at: This includes the Verasity Player Wallet prototype

The “VERA” token is a new medium of exchange and reward for video creation, sharing and viewing across the Verasity community. Anyone watching videos can earn VERA currency. If they choose to watch adverts or share the videos with their network, they will then receive further rewards in VERA. The platform gives Creators and Publishers a variety of monetization solutions to choose from. Verasity’s mission is to help them generate more value from their content. All transactions of the VERA token will be tracked and stored on the Blockchain utilising Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). 

In a goal to bring Creators and Viewers together to support the creation of great video content. “Spark” is a brand new take on a Marketplace where Viewers can fund Content Creators using VERA. Creators can opt to sell a “stake” (VeraSparks) in their channel to finance production of new high quality content. Then those who have supported them can share in their success. 

To ensure transparency and integrity for the community, Verasity are developing a proprietary “Proof of View” technology. Every video view will be securely tracked and stored on the Blockchain. This provides the security, flexibility and scale to support a flourishing new environment for Content Publishers, Advertisers and Viewers.

The project vision is for the Verasity Protocol to also be adopted across the wider web and for VERA to become the cryptocurrency to power the future of online video. 

Problems in the Current Video Sharing Market 
The estimated total addressable market for online video is $312 billion. Two of the largest video platforms generate over 1.1 billion hours of video watched per day 45​ , yet fail to effectively balance the conflicting interests between different stakeholders including Viewers, Creators, Advertisers and their own Shareholders.

Facebook, Instagram and YouTube force users to watch ads to generate revenues for the platforms. Users have concerns regarding the use of their personal data.

Platform businesses need to generate revenue and profits to pay for the technical infrastructure, operating expenses, the many advertiser intermediaries, and a share to the Creator. The share paid to the creator has been reported to be as low as $0.30 on the dollar.​6  

All this data is centrally stored so there is no way a Creator or Publisher can actually prove what their share was and they often need to wait 60 days for before they receive their payment. Platforms can often change policy, or tweak an algorithm, which can result in loss of revenues for the creator, who has no voice to complain

In a race to replace lost revenues, Creators create a higher volume of content. This creates a total oversupply of content commonly known as “content shock ​7​”. This means there are more videos on the platform than is humanly possible to watch, and there are insufficient ad revenues to satisfy all Creators. Now the platforms have an abundance of low quality content which they need to pay to store and host, increasing operating costs.

Revolutionising Online Video Sharing
Verasity is designed to enable the online video economy and ecosystem, as a whole, by restructuring the relationships between Content Creators, Advertisers and Consumers. This is contrary to existing video sharing platforms that try to facilitate a legacy ecosystem with many layers of middlemen and vendors between the ecosystem participants.

Verasity will fundamentally change the existing dynamic of how content is valued to be driven directly by consumer engagement. In legacy advertising driven media economies, the value is assigned to audience demographic and size, not the content itself. This abstraction layer skews the content value to high volume engagements benefiting the Advertiser, rather than high quality engagements benefiting the Consumer and Content Creator.

Verasity adheres to the following fundamental principles:

  • A platform providing trust, transparency and integrity to the video sharing community.
  • Viewers should be able to purchase and view high-quality video across multiple devices and operating systems anywhere on the globe without buffering, latency or playback issues. 
  • Viewers should have the opportunity to sell their time-based attention to the highest bidder but not be required to do so in order to engage with content. 
  • Viewers should be able to decide if they wish to receive targeted advertising and if their demographic information can be used for targeting. 
  • Creators should be able to easily upload, share, monetize and retain control of the distribution of their content. 
  • The platform should optimize for high quality consumer experiences, while minimizing the cost of distribution thereby creating more margin for Content Creators, and more affordable media for Consumers. 
  • There should be multiple monetization methods to best suit each perspective participant within the ecosystem where payments are processed and received in near real time. 8. All value exchange should stay within the economy and ecosystem supporting both growth and innovation as well as ensuring that all participants are fairly compensated for their contributions.

Video Platform Has Scaled to Over 8PB/Mo

The VeraPay component will provide the ability for users to buy VERA easily. This is by using a third party integration to manage all the necessary transaction and security protocols. VeraPay will support the VERA microtransactions between Viewers, Publishers, Creators, Advertisers and Sponsors. This ensures users 15 have a seamless experience to join and utilize the ecosystem. Atomic swaps between other crypto tokens will also be explored for ease of decentralized transactions between cryptocurrencies and VERA.

Proof of View (PoV™)
Verasity has a patent pending system to securely verify audience metrics (views) in a way that is publicly transparent and tamper proof. This system ensures the integrity of the all elements of the Verasity economy which relies upon audience metrics.

Wallet Solutions
Management of Verasity intends to launch a desktop wallet application to safely store users’ VERA. The desktop wallet application will also allow users to act as Verafiers to verify transactions and participate in the creation of new blocks.

The Web wallet offers users easy access to their VERA on the platform. The wallet is built into the player, providing users access to their balance in realtime, and enables the VeraPay protocol to seamlessly send and receive VERA within the ecosystem. Users can transfer funds between each wallet.


Within the Verasity Blockchain, users can be elected as representatives to witness / verify the transactions in the Blockchain which is a core component of the stability, and legitimacy of the underlying platform.Verafiers are compensated in VERA for performing this role in the ecosystem.

Smart Contracts
Verasity uses Smart Contracts to facilitate all types of transactions in the ecosystem. Smart Contracts are digital constructs in the Blockchain that facilitate, verify, and enforce an agreement. They make transactions between participants instant without the need for third parties.

 Similar Blockchain Projects
Basic Attention Token -

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is building a decentralized, transparent digital ad exchange based on Ethereum Blockchain. This uses the Brave Browser to insert adblock and cut out adtech. This enables a creation of a new economy where users buy BAT to pay Publishers based on attention (or time spent on site). Advertisers can buy BAT to be able to circumvent the browser adblock, where value goes directly to the publisher.

BAT launched a token sale in May 2017 and raised $35m in 30 seconds. In January 2018 they had a market cap of $864m claimed adoption of 8000 Publishers verified, including 6000 YouTube Creators with an audience of 100m13​ . Users are required to download and utilize a new browser. Google’s Chrome have recently released an updated version including a built in ad filter. Brave’s solution acts to block advertising revenue to insert their own revenue or direct payment. This may breach the terms and conditions of some Publishers or Platforms. 14

Steem - steem.ioSteem, is a social media platform based on its own Blockchain to support distribution and rewards for content publishing. Contributors publish onto the platform and users upvote content, which generates Steem for the Creator. The platform is governed by its users which includes discouraging spammers, copyright and illegal content. Today has over 34m users according to Similarweb and Steem is valued at over $5 a coin. Steem have paid out $22.8m in rewards to date and has a market cap of $1.2B as of January 2018.

Props by YouNow is “the next generation platform that leverages the power of cryptoeconomics & participation in digital media”. YouNow is an existing live streaming site so have an existing team and impressive investor list. Props is based on Ethereum Blockchain, and aims to decentralize digital media. It has a currency (PROPS) but also Coins, which are used for micro transactions, but not hosted on the Blockchain (not a cryptocurrency). The technology use case today seems to be designed for mobile applications with ‘many to many’ live streaming solutions.
offers a P2P, decentralized video platform which aims to give more power and revenue back to the creators. It is a merge of BitTorrent and Blockchain. Videos are distributed using the peer-to-peer network and viewers use FLIXX tokens based on Ethereum to watch. FLIXX is earned by being a seeder on the network and will offer CPU, storage and energy to support the network. The team are based in Argentina and the network requires users to download software to participate. In November 2017 Flixxio raised




Friday, May 25, 2018 - DIGITAL ECONOMY

If Bitcoin is the Internet of Money ​(a decentralized trustless network designed to bring financial independence to people worldwide without money having to go through any centralized control) and Ethereum is the Internet of Software (a platform for executing code and creating decentralized applications), SIX aims to be the Internet of Digital Services​, providing decentralized solutions for all kinds of transactions in the digital and creative economies.

What is SIX? Why should we develop SIX?
In today’s digital and creative industries, there are fundamental problems amongst payment processors, gateways, and financial institutions versus creative platforms, content providers (hereinafter referred to as “creative workers”), and audiences in the supply chain. With over 10-million active users in our strategic partners’ network, over 1,000,000 creative workers and over 3-million intellectual properties in the network, they are all facing similar problems with centralized financial platforms including payment processors and gateways and financial institutions. This includes high transaction costs for nano transactions and lack of financial liquidity. Creative workers are unable to use their works as collaterals because banks do not see the value in their works (but the content platforms do). Although the content platforms have been trying to solve these problems through their internal tokens, there come problems regarding cross-platform exchange difficulties. Tokens from one platform cannot be used with another platform and digital contents in one platform cannot move around to other platforms as easily as it should be. This is due to their own standard information silos, which makes it impossible for users to monetize the tokens and creative workers to liquidize their digital assets in different platforms.

THE STORY originated from the alliance of leading businesses in the digital marketing and creative industries to solve major problems afflicting upstream (e.g., creative workers), midstream (e.g., agencies), and downstream (e.g. audiences) players in the supply chain. These problems include high transaction costs, low financial liquidity of middlemen and creative workers, inability to liquidize digital assets, content distribution with unclear ownership rights, and unfairness of income distribution. 

We believe that fair economic infrastructure is necessary to solve these problems. To create such infrastructure, uses blockchain technology and smart contract as the backbone of SIX’s three main layers: SIX Digital Asset Wallet, Decentralized Financial Services, and Wallet-to-Wallet (W2W) Decentralized Commerce. With this economic infrastructure, SIX can create an ecosystem that is transparent, fair, secured, and efficient for all stakeholders in the digital and creative economie

 The global Digital Supply Chains​, which include content creation by creative workers, content distribution platforms, and digital commerce, manage USD 11.5 trillion in world economic value.


Creative supply chains

Digital content


The Whole Digital Economy​: 
The digital economy in 2016 was estimated at USD 11.5 trillion globally, or about 15.5% of global GDP. By 2025, this number is forecast to reach USD 23 trillion, or 24.3% of global GDP. The digital economy includes all economic activities that result from billions of everyday online connections among people, businesses, devices, data, and processes.

Creative Workers
The digital economy arises from the efforts of creative workers. These workers are companies and individuals who use their creativity to produce content for the digital and creative industries. They include writers, bloggers, influencers, music artists, filmmakers, broadcasters, advertisers, photographers, and others. The companies involved in the digital and creative industries that create digital content include digital agencies, aggregators, and publishers of digital creation tools. The digital and creative industries, which are valued at 4–9% of the global GDP, or around USD 5 trillion a year, have surpassed the entire agricultural industry, valued at USD 3 trillion a year.


Eliminate the inefficiencies in managing contracts and payrolls as well as unfair profit distribution in the digital and creative industries

How can we fix the industry cash flow problem? How can we allow people to receive cash when they want to have it? We ask these questions because we see significant cash flow problems in the digital and creative industries today. 
Financial institutions never know the true value of creative works. Digital contents created by these creative workers on one platform have no value to third-party financial institutions. However, the platforms know how much actual cash flows the digital contents are creating in the system. This makes it possible for the platforms to lend money to creative workers while the workers use their works as collaterals in the transaction. If the principal is not repaid, ownership of such intellectual properties will be transferred to the platforms. With this idea, we have come up with our Liquid Pay system.


Why do the digital and creative industries need tokenization? Numerous digital points are in the market today, including credit card points, air mileage points, loyalty points, ad watching points, web access credits, gift cards, and many more. Businesses can gain customer loyalty and operating cash flows through this point-and-coin system. However, the flip side is that these digital points become useless outside their own platforms and the cost of converting cash into digital points for different platforms through centralized payment processors is quite high. Businesses are now seeking more efficient ways to reduce these burdens and free up staff for more valuable tasks. 
In this regard, tokenization comes into play. Tokenization is a process that makes native assets exchangeable among different platforms. This not only makes digital points tradable on different platforms, but also reduces the transaction costs charged by the centralized payment processing platforms. 

In addition, business tokens allow for a new nano-payments business model like pay per view/listen/stay contracts. For instance, the streaming music platform could charge customers based on how long they listen in seconds. This sort of nano-transactions model cannot be implemented with today’s credit cards because the minimum payment processing fee is too hig

Tokenization Exchange

Current Issues in the Loyalty and Reward Ecosystem
  1. No interrelated standards among different platforms​: Points can only be used in one specific micro-economy.
  2. Lack of liquidity​: Due to high payment processing fees to convert back from points to fiat currencies, most platforms do not allow exchanges between point and fiat. Only one-way exchanges (from fiat to points) are allowed
  3. Points and coins are often unutilized, written off, and expired​. Holders of points and coins tend to easily forget because they are difficult to store and there is no market to cash out​.
  4. Businesses usually find it difficult to manage unused points and coins in their accounting books. For example, traditional banks need to set aside a big chunk of cash for unused credit card points, losing opportunities to utilize their cash. 
Solution – SIX Business Token Wallets will provide businesses an SDK to convert their digital and reward points to their own digital tokens on the blockchain. Our wallet will keep these digital points/coins in one place.


WAVE 1: The Proof of Concept (PoC)

WAVE 2: The Springboard

WAVE 3: The Public (Community and Feedback)

WAVE 4: The New Standard

WAVE 5: The Sixth Necessity



  • 47.45% of the total amount of tokens created will be available during the public sale and public pre-sale. This portion can be traded in the market on the first trading date.
  • 25% of all tokens created will be locked as bounty and reserve.
  • 13% of all tokens created will be reserved for team members, advisors, and key contributors who have been working to develop the ideas, supporting structures and actual implementations of the project. This portion will be released within 24 months from the first trading date. 
  • 10% of all tokens created will be held by Company, held by Yello Digital Marketing Global, OOKBEE U, and Computerlogy. 
  • 4.55% of all tokens created will be sold to our early investors. We only select early investors who are able to provide strategic support to our and the digital and creative communities. 30% of the portion can be released to the market 90 days from the first trading date. The rest can only be utilized first hand in the In doing so, the early investors will help drive the use of SIX tokens among digital and creative workers and the tokens will eventually be released to the entire system via the digital and creative workers. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



We live in the world where the Internet and social networks have become an integral part of our daily life. According to research data, more than 70% of customers are searching for new goods and services in the Internet and these are social networks that have become the main source of business development. Social networks community numbers 3 billion users and world`s advertising budget is U. S. $77 billion and with each year this number is increasing. But now creating a smart advertising campaign and getting a long-waited client is a really big deal; advertisers spend 50% of their advertising budget for paying VAT, covering bank charges as well as for covering expenses of paying for marketing managers` job and don`t cover all their expenses in all cases. Besides that, there are issues related to high competition, incompetent advertising campaign adjustment and adblocking software programs as well. 

Hеrе іѕ a ѕhоrt rundоwn оf kеу highlights of LICERIO stage
Sрееdу рrоmоtіng effort іmрrоvеmеnt 
Decrease оf wоrk аnd tіmе соѕtѕ 
Uѕаbіlіtу аnd accessibility 
Worldwide ѕсоре 
Wоrkіng еxреnѕеѕ аnd commission charges dесrеаѕе 
Frее аdvеrtіѕіng devices 
Clіеntѕ procurement еnѕurе 
Hеrе іѕ a ѕhоrt rundоwn оf kеу highlights of LICERIO stage
Sрееdу рrоmоtіng effort іmрrоvеmеnt 
Decrease оf wоrk аnd tіmе соѕtѕ 
Uѕаbіlіtу аnd accessibility 
Worldwide ѕсоре 
Wоrkіng еxреnѕеѕ аnd commission charges dесrеаѕе 
Frее аdvеrtіѕіng devices 
Clіеntѕ procurement еnѕurе 

Hеrе іѕ a ѕhоrt rundоwn оf kеу highlights of LICERIO stage
Sрееdу рrоmоtіng effort іmрrоvеmеnt 
Decrease оf wоrk аnd tіmе соѕtѕ 
Uѕаbіlіtу аnd accessibility 
Worldwide ѕсоре 
Wоrkіng еxреnѕеѕ аnd commission charges dесrеаѕе 
Frее аdvеrtіѕіng devices 
Clіеntѕ procurement еnѕurе
Market Analysis 
Future belongs to social networks. Brands interact with social networks community more and more often.
With the development of the Internet, new types of advertisement have appeared that are available not only for the audience of your region or your country but throughout the whole world. Online advertising is very efficient. Being placed in a smart way with all the peculiarities of the Internet taken into account, advertising materials can get dozens of thousands views in a day. 
Nowadays, it is commonly known that social networks are a powerful tool of brands and customers interaction. 
The main benefit of social networking platforms is a broad coverage. 
More than three billion people in the whole world use social networks not less than once a month with 90% of social networks users are using mobile devices for that. 
Brands are investing more money into advertising for their interaction with the audience, however, it doesn`t appear to be so convenient because of the large fragmentation of mass media content. 
In 2017 the volume of global advertising market in social networks amounted U. S. $43.78 billion. And at the beginning of 2018 the revenue of this segment of the market already reached U. S. $51.304 billion. At the same time it is known that the average return is U. S. $17.24 per user. 
Experts predict that these values will increase by 10.5% by 2022 resulting in market volume reaching more than U. S. $76 billion.
A great number of marketing managers establish contacts with customers using services of opinion leaders; however, such policy puzzles consumers more and more and due to large-scale involvement of such collaborations consumers tend to trust the recommendations of their acquaintances more
One-third of respondents actively reacts to ads reposting made by their friends. 
Market Issues  
The tendency of inflated prices of advertising spots on the Internet 
The second problem: Falsification of indicators 
The third problem: Ad blocking programs
The Fourth Problem: Working with opinion leaders 
Product Review
Issues with Internet advertising and business development have inspired us to create LICERIO that is a platform where brand is advertised by customers and which ecosystem is based on Blockchain technology with its own cryptocurrency — LCR Token, what will allow reducing operating costs, improving brand interaction with customers and what will make the platform transparent for all its users.
LICERIO platform for advertisers 

Starting your advertising campaign with 2 clicks 
You will have no difficulty in starting your advertising campaign — you will only need to choose social networks for reposting, adjust user filtering and create ads. Users will be reposting advertising materials of your brand in social networks and getting a discount for an item of goods or services equivalent for the number of collected “likes” as a reward for that. When starting advertising campaign brand specifies the number of LCR tokens it wants to spend for that; the system will forecast the number of “likes” and views that it will get. When total number of “likes” collected by users equals the one requested by the brand, then the ad won`t be further displayed. As soon as the customer comes to get a discount and finally gets it, his “likes” will expire; the system charges commission in the range from 1% to 5% for providing a customer to the brand and the ad is being displayed again. If the user hasn`t come to get a service for 20 calendar days from the time of advertising campaign completion, then his “likes” and discount will expire.
Retargeting groups  
Internal CRM and Analytics
Customers beside you
LICERIO platform will allow getting customers not only by means of advertising campaigns but instantly. There will be “Discounts beside you” section in the mobile application, where the map with brands cooperating with LICERIO platform will be displayed when it is launched. Brands will be displayed within 1 km range and the farther the distance to a sales point, the bigger discount customer will get when he comes to get a certain service. 

Accessibility features  
Such tools as posting to social networks will be available for a brand, which will allow easily spreading information through all platforms. Merchandize catalogue for Instagram is a tool that allows brands that are selling goods in this social network to create their own unique mobile-friendly webpage at which customers can look through a merchandize catalogue and make an order and pay for it if it is possible. Besides that special widgets will be provided for e-commerce purposes. These widgets will allow customers to get a discount at brand`s website.
LCR token іѕ realized іn ассоrdаnсе wіth ERC20 ѕtаndаrd. 5% from the total аmоunt of tokens will bе distributed among раrtnеrѕ аnd соnѕultаntѕ, 10% will bе saved for the bоuntу program, 15% оf tokens will bе saved for thе team оf the рlаtfоrm аnd thе rest 70% will bе ѕоld. Thе tоtаl numbеr оf rеlеаѕеd tоkеnѕ wіll bе еԛuаl tо 100,000,000 LCR.
Mау 28, 2018, 12:00 GMT
Sоft сар:
500 ETH
Aссерtаblе сurrеnсіеѕ
Tokens еxсhаngе rate
1 ETH = 6000 LCR
June 10, 2018, 12:00 GMT
Hаrd сар:
2500 ETH
Numbеr оf tokens fоr ѕаlе
15,000,000 LCR
Mіnіmаl trаnѕасtіоn amount

Sерtеmbеr 2017
Crеаtеd the соnсерt оf LICERIO
Fеbruаrу 2018
Lаunсhіng the wеb platform fоr wеbmаѕtеrѕ
June 2018
Rеlеаѕе оf the bеtа vеrѕіоn оf LICERIO
August 2018
Mоbіlе apps for the сlіеnt and brаnd
Q4 2018
Launching thе platform іn Ruѕѕіа and CIS countries
Q2 2019
Glоbаl launch
Dесеmbеr 2017
Bеgіnnіng оf platform dеvеlорmеnt
Mау 2018
July 2018
First round of Mаіn Sаlе
September 2018
Sесоnd rоund оf Mаіn Sаlе
Q1 2019
Lаunсhіng thе рlаtfоrm in Eurоре