Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Crosspays uses blockchainEthereum technology, which includes business communities and consumers, the world's first selfregulang distributed global trading market, search engines, social networks, and international B2B, B2C and C2C markets for its economic regions and goods, services and entertainment.

With the support of the Community of mining-analog Crosspays, Crosspays, such as coin-like bits, offer a unique service world-wide and offer a chance to generate money for hundreds of millions of people. Crossfire is a place where all the goods and services are brought together in one place, enabling companies to break the economic barriers created by monopolies and deliver goods directly to end users.

Consumers and manufacturers acquire a common market for the supply and demand of goods and services, even if many application sites do not work. Users in the community do not have to pay a very large percentage of brokers to get direct delivery opportunities, and do not need a variety of services such as taxi, logistics, real estate loans and renng and thousands of them. Community members get crosspays in the community of hundreds of ways to get their income from giant Crosspays in corporaons profit, selling ads on the internet and doing common things for themselves acons.

The community also uses this system to buy all kinds of cryptography and repayment bills and to use other gang incomes and opportunities in the field of sales, exchange, communication, consumer goods and services, not limited to users, opportunities, and the way of life in the community Crosspays the possibility to make money.

Economic Model from Embezzlement 
The economic bottom of Internet giants and the largest Internet service has a concept that maximizes the profit of each acon user. Up to 80% of the largest number of Internet members and online services earn money by carefully using conditional "free" services to sell behavioral models and user data markup.

In fact, all Internet users have unique products with fixed prices in certain currency units. However, this product is in use by the company, sold and purchased without the user's permission, and has provided billions of dollars in revenue to monopolies and brokers.
Also, corporaons and monopolies hide from users how much they received. In contrast, Crosspays are completely transparent: all Crosspay systems traders only use technology, smart internal currency contracts and crosspays to achieve community blockpain-token CPS. All acon users can save and make Crosspays users a beneficiary of the growth of the electronic trading market. Therefore, it is in contrast with the market. Crosspays advises users on the economic concept of Jusce, a completely new economic relance model.
The essence is simple. For the benefit of the community, income from the cash will be automatically distributed to the community participants in proportion to the amount.
Currently, the main protocols used to operate the world on the Internet are HTTP (WWW) and SMTP. They were discovered 20 years ago and sll is in use: you use email to send emails through your web browser. These protocols are obsolete long ago. On the contrary, you can be new, faster, more convenient ...
But the browser, e-mail client and altered e-mail service are just the same evidence for revoluonary blockchain or its analogue technology that is the basis of the same bit coin and crosspays - they represent a continuation of the new digital economy.
Global Mullingual Crosspays Trade and Social Systems uses CPS Token Blockchain to control economic and social relationships among users on mobile banking and application crosspays, community sites. The holders of CPS tokens and community users become an economic beneficiary of cross-payments and earn income from community life.
In addition to regulanging user acons, Blockchain Smart Contract allows you to integrate thousands of useful services into your system: from Cryptobank and stock exchanges to credcon funcon among users via up to CPS tokens.
And Team Crosspays' long-term strategic goals are to successfully enter the internaonal marketplace in the scienfic model of economic, social and social self-organization of the AER. We are gradually planning to manage the funcon project from Team Crosspays to artificial intelligence algorithms using the economicJusce principle.
> Cross and Block Chain Thanks to Blockchain ,
Crosspays removes brokers in the global products and services markets and allows employers and consumers to berparsip in the new creaon digital economy: Adding a registry, simplifying housework, implementing new business models Product sales are starting from the moment of production for end users Automated processes are distributed among participants to minimize the degree of fraud. Crossfire uses basic principles.
revoluonarytechnologyBlockchain: Informaon is distributed to all network members. Thanks to public access, anyone can verify information security, encryption information will be stored using the registry, informaon testing and synchronization between users to block.
> Cross and Big Data
Large Data Technology allows you to handle and structure a significant amount of ongoing information flow generated by Crosspays users. By analyzing this data using a variety of techniques to be applied, we can perform important tasks daily in our community's operations plan. For example, in other world economic markets, you can expand your market catalog for your convenience and create that catalog in the Ideal Framework. Integraon Big Data with artificial intelligence algorithms provides tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurs and consumers.
Token details
ERC-20 compatible
Private press
PRIVATE PRESULT: A limited number of tokens are sold during the round.
TOKEN PRICE - The minimum purchase price of 0.50 USD is 100 USD.
Date: 14.05.2018 - 24.06.2018
PRESALE: 150,000,000 CPS tokens are sold, including bonuses.
The minimum purchase limit is 30 USD.
CAP software: 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 50,000,000 USD
Date: 02.07.2018 ~ 05.08.2018
ICO: 600,000,000 CPS tokens are sold.
Price of TOKEN: - 0.50 USD
Minimum purchase limit: 50 USD
SOF : 50,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 200,000,000 USD
As with the Bitcoin team 10 years ago, the Crosspays team has worked in every way to ensure that commerce and socioeconomics around the world begin the work of Network Crosspays as soon as possible. The growth and development of the Crosspays community is due to several factors that the Crosspays team can not influence, so meframes are displayed on the mayvary roadmap.
2017 (III sq.) Strategic Analysis and World System and Cryptography Economics, National Market, Commercial, Systems. The concept of Crosspays has been developed.
Investment Seed 2017 (III sq.) - $ 500,000. Start Crossfire.
2017 (4Q) Data processing and internal architectural design and crosspays taking into account the needs and long-term changes taking into account the economic structure of the world economy.
2018 (First Quarter) Design and Development: Prototype, Architecture, Systems, CPS Smart Contract, Landing Page -Crosspays and Frontpage of Crosspays Bounty System will be integrated with Facebook Graph API, TwierAPI and Telegram.
2018 (II-III sq.) Development phase: Backend, front-end, invoice.
Find your partner. Extension of the Crosspays team.
2018 (III square.) Grants scienfic inclusion of team members and social members from the Development Scrosspays
2018 (III-IVsq.) Crosspays beta release. iOS and Android. Smart contract of open API. Exchange password currency. Implementaon. Mobile banking. Mulcurrency Digital Wallet for Creaon Base "Algorithm Crosspays SmartWiki. Run your development application to improve your system and add funcon. The default language is localizaon.
2018 (IVquarter). Adaptaon Base, the legislative law and the jurisdiction of the State.
2019 (I-II square.) Start the distributed system to mullingual Crosspays. Global adversing campaign launched - "Crossfee - World Market»
2019 (I-III sq.) Implementation technology Big Data. Arfisial Technology The beginning of the implementation of intelligence: things (IOT) Internet technology work Integraon forIPO preparation.
2019 Early World Economic Transition Digital Model Crossfire
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