Saturday, May 12, 2018


The team of IntroBlockchain OÜ, JSC, is glad to present the INTRO Token that will become a license to the INTRO Services for real estate market participants. Our team has been creating software for developers since 2016. Our IT-project was originally initiated by the Gosstroy Group, a major Russian real estate development holding, est. in 2009. Today, the development portfolio of Gosstroy includes 14 completed residential and commercial objects, as well as 13 under-construction buildings with total area of about 150,000 sq.m. By construction volume, Gosstroy is one of Top 150 developers in Russia. In early 2017, the IT Division of Gosstroy was separated as an independent business. In early 2018, the company had 42 staff members and about 20 freelance contractors. The main profile of the company is the creation of Business Intelligence System for off-plan property investors, as well as the development of ITproducts for business and state actors. The rapid growth is largely caused by the growing demand for BI systems from market players and regulators. Over 20 construction companies, several governmental agencies and industrial associations is now using the products of IntroBlockchain OÜ. Our users include the representatives of National Association of Housing Developers, Union of Construction Companies of Ural and Siberia, Chelyabinsk Interregional Union of Builders and other professionals from 18 parts of Russia, where INTRO business is present. However, the potential of scaling of our BI system is not limited to the market of Russia and the CIS countries. According to our research, more than 10 million homebuyers a year invest in off-plan properties in the BRICS countries. Most of the residential property in India, Brazil and Russia are sold at the construction stage. Still, offplan development remains a risky investment due to low market transparency. We were the first to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to collect and process data on off-plan development investments from the official state registries. Now our system INTRO Analytica quickly processes raw data on property rights claims, helping to create accurate market forecasts. At the next step, we plan to integrate the blockchain technology for data protection and secure transactions between developers, investors and home buyers.
Foto INTRO Technology. 

INTRO is a BI (Business Intelligence) system for the participants of off-plan development – builders, investors, homebuyers, banks and other agents. INTRO IT products provide access to advanced market analytics for industry professionals as well as for private homebuyers. The register of under construction objects and investors’ contracts are stored in the blockchain, which in turn receives data from official state sources. This allows for effective market analysis without violating the proprietors' rights to personal data protection. INTRO system users will be able to find the most attractive off-plan properties in dozens of countries and invest in the ongoing construction under smart contracts. The blockchain ensures reliability of the information about the building plan and transaction security, while avoiding costs of intermediation by real estate brokers, lawyers or profiteers. Smart contracts enable the users to save up to 30% on property investment.

What problems does the INTRO system solve?
  • No unified register of under construction properties Our system includes a dynamic database of the off-plan properties. 
  • Data on off-plan property deals in state registers is not structured The automated linguistic analysis is employed for data tokenization. Then the property ownership records are matched with building plans with the use of AI technology. This way, the system detects and corrects errors caused by the human factor or changes in building designs. 
  • No register of apartments, parking lots and commercial propertiesunder construction The system analyses floor plans of under construction buildings. Each off-plan property can be found on the plan and marked as “sold” when its developer cedes property rights to the investor. This allows for instant monitoring of sold and stock properties. 
  • No control mechanisms for stages of off-plan construction A special module in INTRO checks the relation between investment volume and construction phase. 
  • Off-plan investors lack access to the investment records that influence their interests INTRO users can access the anonymized state records on off-plan development agreements. It helps investors and homebuyers to find a reliable developer and profitable property. 
  • Developers often suffer cash flow gaps during the construction cycle The module for private property auctions allows developers to quickly sale off properties and close cash flow gaps without damaging the general sales plan.
How it works
  1. Data on the off-plan objects and share participation is loaded from the state accounting systems into the distributed register. In Russia, data is loaded from Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastral Records and Cartography) and the departments of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. 
  2. Transactions data is anonymized and stored in the block chain with regular uploading of new deals from departmental sources. Today, the data in the INTRO system is updated every month. 
  3. Based on the received data, INTRO generates market metrics. The main indicators are sales dynamics, market shares of the companies, stocks of off-plan property, competition by any location and layout type. 
  4. In Russia, the information from INTRO is received by representatives of dedicated agencies, developers and investors. It allows avoiding excessive construction development in a separate location or construction of illiquid objects (for example, apartments of unattractive layout). 
  5. Aggregated data comes to other IT products of the system that are intended for private investors, real estate brokers and home buyers. INTRO users do not need to scrutinize official documents or pay for this to an intermediary. The products of the system are designed to ensure that any investor can conclude a lucrative contract with a reliable developer.

The blockchain integration ensures that INTRO as a data miner cannot change or hide information from state registers. State officers and market players can be sure that the data in the system is reliable and unchanged.
INTRO Analytica is an irreplaceable B2B-service for real estate professionals – developers, real estate agents and builders. Private investors and homebuyers can use B2C-services of the INTRO ecosystem. 

INTRO Sale is a private online auction for developers property buyers. Developers often suffer cash flow gaps during the construction cycle and urgently need cash inflow. In such cases, developers often offer properties at net cost to their partners who further resell them at a market price. INTRO Token holders will be able to join the Intro Sale affiliate network and participate in private auctions. The bidding will be carried out during a limited time with all the bids written in blockchain. This ensures that the best price wins and token holders make a property investment at attractive terms. Beta testing of the system among the users of INTRO Analytica proved that developers are interested in closed bidding, as they help not to break the overall sales plan for the object due to occasional discounts. The share of discounted properties in the construction project usually does not exceed 5%, therefore, public announcements of auction sales are undesirable. The development of INTRO Sale began in July 2017, the release takesplace in January 2018 Web: Demo access: Login Password: 1TokenINTRO 

INTRO Token is a license for access to the feature of IT products in INTRO ecosystem. The total of 200,000,000 INTRO Tokens of ERC20 standard will be issued on the Etherium smart contracts.
The purchase of INTRO Tokens does not imply shareholding in the business. Token holders are not entitled to dividends payment, they can not influence the business development strategy by voting for new regions during the global expansion of INTRO services.
INTRO Tokens provide access to the professional analytics of off-plan development, online sales of real estate in various countries, property auctions and social network of homebuyers
INTRO Token Advantages
Homebuyers will be able to purchase under-construction properties directly from the developers. The system evaluates the project reliability: the legal permits, construction plans and registration of off-plan property investors' rights. These details are entered into INTRO system from the state sources and kept in the blockchain, which excludes any fraud schemes. 
Using INTRO services, the buyers can save up to 10% on intermediaries’ fees. The direct access to official data is critical when buying real estate abroad as foreign property investors often face difficulties.

Investors will receive discounted offers from developers worldwide. Off-plan properties will be put up for a private auction on blockchain starting from the net cost. It provides the Token holders with the most beneficial investment opportunities while developers use the private auction as an excellent fund-raising option. 

A user need to register a personal account for purchasing the Tokens. The buyers will be able to purchase Tokens with fiat currencies (USD, EUR) or crypto-currencies (BTC, ЕТН, LTC, Dash, etc.). Each Token holder will get a personal address (for each cryptocurrency) after the registration and will receive a confirmation via email. The buyers will also be able to transfer Tokens from their wallets.
The Tokens emission is conducted only once under the conditions of a smart contract. The distribution officially ends on July 31, 2018. The agreement between the INTRO Token buyers and distributor will take legal effect and become binding at that time.
No more INTRO Tokens will not be issued after the ICO is finished. All unallocated Tokens will be burned. The total amount of 200 million INTRO Tokens will be issued; their distribution is shown in the Chart.




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