Sunday, May 13, 2018


Uchit is a peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed collaboration and communication platform designed at its core to enhance the way people communicate with each other/ to their audience and collaborate with team members

Uchit completely removes the middleman and allows users to directly exchange information via the blockchain network. Uchit utilizes the Ethereum ecosystem as its primary platform for transaction-processing.

By encrypting communications on the blockchain and allowing nodes to communicate directly, Uchit can function as a fully-decentralized exchange for transfer of data and value transactions - allowing users to communicate and collaborate at will. Distributed networks are able to collaborate in a trustless manner without a single point of failure.

Market Analysis
The Analysis shows reports on basis of world population, not any particular country; since we are targeting global audience.

Uchit’s P2P Network
Basics - First The Peers are connected to perform the first application i.e. Communication (text chat / voice chat / video chat). After the peers are connected and can communicate, they can easily Collaborate (Share Files / Use same programming project folders and editors / share screen, etc)

A New Way to Envision Communication
What if you bring everyday communication to the worldwide free market and allow users to freely find people, text chat, voice chat, video chat, share files, share screen, host meetings, host webinars ?

This was the idea that set Uchit into action in early 2016
The communications industry has long been a victim of shutdowns, government interference, and strict regulations stemming from decentralization.


By removing the central server and allowing nodes in the network to communicate directly without outside interference, Uchit aims to revolutionize the way the world thinks about communication. Disrupting this market is a multibillion-dollar venture. In the long-term, Uchit aims to become the leading file-sharing platform for users around the world.

Uchit Tokens - A Brief Overview
Uchit (UCHT) tokens are the core of Uchit’s incentivization protocol. Users can “spend” UCHT in exchange for hiring people to get into teams, requesting communication with people, requesting files from people, buying templates from Teams (freelancing) - like a marketplace for new projects, etc. To accumulate UCHT, users can sell templates and assets, respond to communication/team joining requests, etc with the network (seeding) and be rewarded with UCHT each time they communicate or Collaborate. UCHT can also be acquired on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges on the web, and will be directly exchangeable for Ethereum.

Special features
Well firstly its based on blockchain technology, and the second thing is - it will contain all the tools at one place.
You need text/voice/video chat/file sharing, programming collaboration, team based chat/file sharing, webinars etc.
Live editor for programmers Marketplace to find professionals, hire them, form a team Marketplace to find pre-made templates/assets to start your project. NOTE - Many more applications will be made , for example music maker and much more, we will keep making apps used in every industry. More and more features will be added time-to-time.

We are just not reinvesting the same platform in Blockchain technology, but also solving multiple problems 11 Uchit Some examples -
  • Finding like-minded people for your projects 
  • Forming up a team 
  • Hiring Teams/Professionals 
  • Working online as a team with people overseas 
  • Get the best out of your time working online 
  • Synchronization while working online 
  • Need templates or assets 
  • Communication - multiple platforms, but lacking one or the other feature for professionals 
  • Collaboration - we need tools for our industry standards
Many industry professionals and business want to collaborate online, but need the correct tools at 1 platform. Industries that will be helped by us - Software Development, Digital Art, Digital Music, Traditional Music too and much more.
And don’t forget the Webinar feature which will be expanded into a very big tool. Online showcase of Physical Products to a large audience, streams, podcasts and much more. A Hub = Content Creators Showcase + Communication between people (users, content creators, organizations) + Tools for Content Creators + Marketplace.  

Contribution Period


December 2016 
Idea for Platform Development. 
April 2017 
Analysis of Other platforms and market 
October 2017 
Analysis Complete, we know the solution 
April 2018 
Start Crowdfunding 
November 2018 
Launch Version Alpha 
February 2019 
Launch Version Pre-Beta 
July 2019 
Launch Version Beta 
December 2019 
Development Complete 
January 2020 



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